DeS intro.jpg

 Swamp of Sorrow (5-2)


Valley of defilement.jpg

Welcome to the Poison Swamp of Demon’s Souls. Before entering 5-2 be sure to have plenty of healing consumables and antidotes. If you have a magic build, you can buy the Antidote spell to help with this area. Additionally, this area is VERY dark. Turning up the brightness on your monitor/screen will help you see better.

From the Leechmonger Archstone (5 – 2), walk forward and follow the river until you come out onto a cliff top. There will be a wooden platform on your left to follow down. Follow this all the way down. In front of you will be a wooden bridge that is pulled up. To your left will be a place to drop down. Drop down into the swamp. From here, walk forward to the raised dirt path in front of you. Follow this path diagonally left. There will be torches lit through here. If you ever get lost, look around for a torch. At the end of this series of the series of dirt pathways is a large hill with two Giant Depraved Ones and two Depraved Ones. Kill these enemies.

Turn left and head towards a small island. There will be a few slugs on this island and six Black Turpentine. Keep walking forward and pick up the Cat’s Ring. Turn right and walk through the swamp all the way to the wall. Along the wall will be a Pure Suckerstone. Turn back around and head back to the island with the Depraved ones. Turn right and follow the ramp up. At the top of this ramp is a Fog Wall.

1st Fog wall

Follow this plank path forwards and upwards. There will be a few slugs and mosquitoes that can attack you. Player Note: If you fall off the path, just keep walking forward, keeping the path on your left. At the end of this path is a dirt island. From the dirt island, turn around and walk into the swamp with the wooden planks on your right side. Continue walking here until you come across a dirt island. On the dirt island is the thief's ring. Now turn around and head back to the dirt island at the end of the wooden path.

Follow the dirt path forward until you come across a wooden bridge on your left and the dirt path continues forward and to the right. Walk forward until you come across an island with slugs on it. Defeat all the slugs and pick up a Large Shard of Moonlightstone. Walk forward to the wall and pick up a Chunk of Suckerstone. Turn around and head back to where the path forked. Facing out in the swamp, walk forward until you come across an island with a slug. Dispatch the slug and pickup:

• Dull Gold Helmet

• Dull Gold Armor

• Dull Gold Gauntlets

• Dull Gold leggings

Head of you and slightly to the left is an island with four Large Depraved Ones guarding three Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. The easiest way to get this is to use a ranged attack on one of the Large Depraved Ones and kite it back to the island with the slug and defeat it here. Repeat this process until they are all defeated. Turn around and head all the way back to the dirt path that forked. Facing the slug island, turn right and follow this path to the 2nd Fog Wall. Do not go through the Fog Wall yet.

At the fog wall, turn left and walk all the way into the swamp until you see a wooden plank up. Follow this wooden plank until you come across a hanging ball of slugs. Kill all of the slugs on the planks, and then attack the ball of slugs. After a few hits, the slugs will drop onto the slug island that we picked up the Large Shard of Moonlightstone. There is a section to drop down. Drop down and kill the slugs. Try taking out the slugs with Area of Effect attacks like firebombs or the Fireball spell. Once all the slugs are dead, pick up the Large Sword of Moonlight. Now head back to the fog wall.

2nd Fog Wall

Through the Fog Wall, walk forward. To the right will be the Filthy Woman merchant. Talk to her and buy items, as necessary. Continue forward though this section. Be Careful: There are lots of Depraved Ones hiding around corners. While they are not hard to kill, they can easily gang up on you and kill you quickly. There are also shining Depraved Ones that spew clouds of poison gas. If you walk into the poison gas clouds, you will instantly get poisoned.

Follow this passage forward, taking small left or right turns as you go. At the end of this path is a ramp up. From the ramp up, walk all the way to the right and you will find another small ramp on a wooden walkway. Follow this walkway down and you can kick down the bridge to go back to the Archstone. Turn around and run all the way back to the platform you came out on.

Facing this platform, walk around the left of it and then walk forward down a narrow path. At the end of this narrow path is a Fog Wall.

Prepare for the boss battle with Dirty Colossus!


Inner Ward (1-3)


Altar of Storms (4-3)