Firelink Shrine Tree Jump

Dark Souls 3

Contributor: McRaptor

The Firelink Shrine Tree Jump is NOT Patched

For some reason, many people think that the Firelink Shrine Tree Jump (tree skip) is patched. It is not and it never will be. Honestly, it looks VERY much intended by FromSoft. Now that we have that out of the way, here is how you do the Firelink Shrine Tree Jump. The last patch in Dark Souls 3 was back in 2017. Since then, tons of people have been jumping off the Firelink Shrine tree. You can too!

Unequip Your Armor

The make the tree jump in Firelink Shrine easy, make sure you unequip all your gear. Weapons, armor, all of it. Dropping your total equip weight to below 30% will make the tree skip much easier.

Get in the Right Spot

Face the tree several feet away (as shown below). Begin sprinting forward and then roll off the tree (at the arrow target) while flicking your left analog stick slightly right. It takes some hand coordination, so it may take you a few times to get it down.

Again though, this 100% works on every platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4. Be patient, roll off the indicated “knot” on the tree and flick your camera to the right toward the roof of Firelink Shrine. You should get it down within 10 tries or less if you follow this strategy.

Extra Tips

Some people may find it easier if you have sprint bind to your “B” or “Circle” button (vs. left analog stick click). Because you have to sprint AND use your left analog stick to “flick” towards the roof, having sprint and movement bound to different buttons can help. Speedrunners and challenge runners often use “claw grip” or a controller with paddles (like the Xbox Elite Controller) for greater efficiency on actions like this.

This can definitely be done on a keyboard and mouse setup, but it is much easier on a controller.

Jump off the tree at the arrow point and flick your camera right toward the roof