What changed in the Demon’s Souls Remake?

Everything changed in the PS5 version of Demon’s Souls (2020)

Demon’s Souls (2020) remake developer Bluepoint Games focused on small changes from the Demon’s Souls (2009) version originally released on PS3. Importantly, they did not CUT any content from the original game. For new Demon’s Souls players, this means you will get to experience the definitive version of FromSoftware’s 2009 release.

What’s New?

New weapons, armor, and rings

(Digital Deluxe Items)

  • Red-Eye Knight Armor

  • Boletarian Royalty Armor

  • Ritual Blade

  • Hoplite Shield

  • Ring of Longevity

  • Preservation Grains

  • Phosphorescent Grains

  • Bearbug Grains

Visual Improvements

The biggest draw for most will be the visual improvements in the Demon’s Souls remake. The resolution will increase to a gorgeous 4K at up to 60 fps. There are two graphical modes, native 4K resolution locked at 30 FPS or dynamic (scaling) 4K resolution at 60 FPS. Other improvements include several visual “filters” that let you modify the game’s graphics. Among these filters are the standard, “classic filter” (giving that original Demon’s Souls feel), and black and white.

Hardware Improvements

The Playstation 5’s solid state drive makes a huge improvement on loading times, which were very frustrating in the original Demon’s Souls. The haptic feedback from the PS5 DualSense controller will also make certain things, such as parrying, better connect you to the game’s combat system.

Healing Grass Balance Change

The number of healing grasses will be more limited than in the original. This appears to be a PVP balance change, preventing excessively long PVP matches.

Quality of Life: Item Burden Change

This is actually huge for the Demon’s Souls remake. While your character will still have a maximum Item Burden (how much weight you can have on you), in the Demon’s Souls remake, you can send new item pick ups direct to your storage if they put you over the limit. In the 2009 original, you had to run back to the Nexus, unload your stuff, and then trek back to the item.

Player Re-Spec Added

You can now re-spec in the Demon’s Souls Remake. No longer are you stuck with a scuffed build!

Keep Rolling, Rolling, Rollin’

Rolling is dramatically improved in the remake. Instead of only being able to roll in four directions, there is now omnidirectional rolling in the remake.

Character Creator

Instead of default character models, the Demon’s Souls remake adds a full character creator with TONS of customization options.

character creator.jpg

Photo Mode

A popular game feature in 2020, the Demon’s Souls remake includes a full photo mode. Importantly, photo mode gives you a rare option to pause a souls game, even allowing you to take an all important bio break in the middle of a Demons Souls marathon session. (Note: you cannot pause gameplay through photo mode while being invaded).

Music Updates

The original Demon’s Souls score was digitally produced. The remake will include a live orchestral remaster, pairing the updated graphics with a full overhaul of the Demon’s Souls musical score. The in-game dialogue was also re-recorded and updated for the master.

Improved Drop Rates

Bluepoint Games confirmed that there will be improved drop rates for upgrades such as the Pure Bladestone. Grinding will still be required, but it will be less frustrating in the Demon’s Souls remake.

Multiplayer Changes

The Demon’s Souls remake increases the number of players in multiplayer up to a total of 6. The original only allowed up to 3 other players.

World Tendency

While the mechanics of world tendency are unchanged in Demon’s Souls remake, the game now visually shows you what world tendency you’re in!