The Mystery of the Secret Door in Demon’s Souls Remake Solved!

November 19, 2020

Speedrunner Distortion2 has solved the mystery of the “Secret Door” in Demon’s Souls Remake

This is not the first time Bluepoint games has hidden an Easter egg of this type in its remasters. The Shadow of Colossus remake also had a mystery door requiring 79 coins to unlock. In turns out, solving the hidden door in Demon’s Souls Remake also took a flip of a coin.

The hidden door in Demon’s Souls is tucked away behind an illusory wall in World 1-3. The secret door was reported only a few days after Demon’s Souls Remake launched. Immediately, players began collaborating on how to unlock this mystery door. Speedrunner Distortion2, used to breaking games for an advantage on world record runs, spent hours trying to break into the room through environmental glitches. Despite best efforts, he was not able to break in.

The Hidden Door in Demon’s Souls Remake. Located in World 1-3.


Unraveling the Mystery: The Fractured World of Demon’s Souls

The big breakthrough on the mystery of the hidden door in Demon’s Souls happened when Maledictus Nix discovered a new item in the Demon’s Souls Remake, the “Ceramic Coin.” Interestingly, the Ceramic Coin could only be found in the “Fractured World” version of Demon’s Souls. Exclusive to the PS5 version, the Fractured World reverses the layout of everything in the game world. This gives players a fresh new way to experience Demon’s Souls. Collectively, the Soulsborne community discovered at least 11 different Ceramic Coins could be found throughout the Fractured World version of Demon’s Souls. To find these, players must be under “Pure White” or “Pure Black” World Tendency.

Location of box holding one of the 10 Ceramic Coins in Demon’s Souls Remake


30 Coins to Rule Them All

After tirelessly hunting down the Ceramic Coins, players began working on how to use the coins to open the hidden door. Naturally, veteran Soulsborne players began trading the Ceramic Coins to Sparkly the Crow, a friendly NPC in the game. Dropping items in front of Sparkly’s nest can initiate a trade with Sparkly, if it is the correct item. This is nothing new to Demon’s Souls. When dropping the Ceramic Coins, however, Sparkly did not trade any items.

Using save files, Distortion2 was able to test trade increasingly higher amounts of Ceramic Coins to Sparkly. Prior to solving the hidden door puzzle, he had already amassed 34 Ceramic Coins. Despite fatigue from hours upon hours of searching for the solution to this issue, Distortion2 kept going, finally deciding to drop exactly 30 Ceramic Coins for Sparkly. In a magic moment for all watching, after reloading his game (a requirement for looting Sparkly’s trades), a new item was discovered: the Rusted Key!

(It was later found that as few as 26 Ceramic Coins can be used to get the Rusted Key.)

Sparkly the Crow gifts the Rusted Key to Distortion2 in the Demon’s Souls Remake (PS5)


With the Key Found, the Mystery Door Could be Opened

After finding the key, Distortion2 and over 15,000 live viewers watching him lost their minds! Days and days of searching had finally yielded the result needed to open the mystery door in Demon’s Souls Remake. Distortion2 raced over to the hidden door and used the Rusted Key to unlock the mystery.

Distortion2 opens the hidden door in Demon’s Souls Remake, a World First


What Lies Within?

The unlocking of the door revealed what Bluepoint Games had already teased on Twitter just days before. A single body to loot. But what loot could possibly be on this body? Surely it must be the secret to FromSoftware’s long overdue update on Elden Ring. Or maybe Bloodborne 2.

Bluepoint Games taunts the streamers hunting down the mystery of the hidden door

Distortion approaches the mystery loot behind the hidden door

Reward: The Penetrator Armor

Unfortunately for Soulsborne fans hoping for Elden Ring news, no such luck. Behind the hidden door was however a very cool looking Penetrator armor set, which can only be found by unlocking the hidden door. Distortion2 remarked that he expected the actual reward to be “underwhelming.” The journey, however was a magical one. The mystery of the hidden door in Demon’s Souls Remake, and the community of players that solved it, will go down in history.

Distortion2 celebrates unlocking the hidden door


Watch Distortion2 Open the Hidden Door