
Adjudicator Boss Guide

Adjudicator is a boss in the 4-1 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Swollen Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (immune)


  • Fire damage

  • Magic damage

  • Physical damage

Easy Strategy

Casters can cheese Adjudicator easily. Staying on the top platform, you can peek out, target his head, and cast your spell of choice. Soul Ray and Homing Soul Arrow work well. Be careful of his tongue lash attack. To avoid this, stay on the move or block/dodge when it comes out. Continue to peek and cast until you have defeated Adjudicator.

Perch to cheese Adjudicator using ranged weapons or spells

Perch to cheese Adjudicator using ranged weapons or spells

Standard Strategy

Melee builds will not have much trouble with the Adjudicator either. The most important thing on this fight is to keep him as centered in the room as possible. You want to position yourself on his right foot and strafe around counterclockwise to avoid his attacks. He is weak to both magic and fire. Turpentine or a magic weapon like the Crescent Falchion work well on the DPS phase.

Phase 1

In the first phase, your goal is to keep attacking him until he falls down. Make sure you follow the position advice (see above) and strafe counterclockwise around his melee attacks. Continue this until he falls down.

Phase 2 (“DPS Phase”)

Once Adjudicator falls down, you can actually damage the boss. Keep attacking his head using your highest DPS build. Depending on your DPS, it may take a few cycles to beat Adjudicator.

No Hit / Flawless Strategy

The no hit or hitless strategy for Adjudicator is very similar to the standard strategy. According to legendary no hit runner FaraazKhan, race to get behind the boss as quickly as possible. If you take too long, you can get hit by falling rock damage (or tongue lashes). Once behind the boss, keep him centered in the room at all times. Getting sandwiched against the wall makes it difficult to maneuver. You want to position yourself on his right foot and strafe around counterclockwise to avoid his attacks. Attack after avoiding his attacks and then rinse and repeat. Once he falls down, DPS his head as much as possible, ideally defeating him in a single cycle. You can single cycle Adjudicator using “Hyper Mode” (see below) and the Crescent Falchion using a high magic build.

Hyper Mode: Requires equipping the Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade. Once equipped, Hyper Mode is engaged by dropping your health below 30%, typically done equipping the Magic Sword Makoto (which drops your health). Doing this, you gain an incredible 140% increase in damage.


Armor Spider