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Prison of Hope (3-1) Walkthrough

Note: The Mind Flayers in 3-1 have a spell to lock you in place, and then will grab you for a large chunk of damage. Be very careful around these enemies. 

You will start by spawning into a cell in the Tower of Latria. From the Archstone, turn right and head down the hall. On your right side open the cell and pick up three Augite of Guidance. Come out of the cell. On your right is a locked gate that we will come back to. For now, turn left and head all the way down the hall. At the end of the hall in the walkway is a Mind Flayer. Take out the Mind Flayer and walk to the far right of the landing. On this wall is Prison of Hope, 3F Cell Key

Mind Flayer enemy in Prison of Hope (3-1) (Tower of Latria)


Player Note: With this key, you can now open the cells on this floor. Cells will hold either enemies, or items. Typically, items in these cells will be souls or other consumables like Royal Lotus. There will be a few weapons and armor sets. Those locations will be noted in this guide. 

Turn back towards the Archstone location. Open the first cell that you walk past on the way back to the Archstone and open this cell. There will be a Wooden Catalyst, Wizard’s Clothes, Wizard’s Gloves, and Wizard’s Shoes. Head back towards where you found the Key and follow this hallway down. At the end of the wall will be some caskets that you can break. Break these and open the cell just past them for a Shard of Mercurystone.

Turn back and head back toward where you found the key. On your right side is a hallway. Turn into this hallway. There will be a mind flayer to your left. Take out this enemy and turn right. The first cell immediately after turning right has a Shard of Mercurystone. Turn back around and go all the way down this walkway. There will be a Mind Flayer on the landing. Take out the Mind Flayer and on the far-right side of the landing is Prison of Hope, 3F Key

Location of Prison of Hope, 3F Key (on the wall)


Facing the hallway that lead us to this section of the map, take the right walkway. The second cell has a Silver Coronet. Continue back to the hallway and head all the way back in the direction of the Archstone. Walk past the Archstone and we can now open the gate to the right of the Archstone. This gate will lead to the first fog wall.

First Gate and 1st Fog Wall

First Gate, Prison of Hope 3F (area 3-1)


From the Fog Wall, follow the stairs on the left all the way up. At the top of the stairs, go through the doorway on the right. Follow this walkway all the down to the landing. At the far right wall of this landing is a locked gate with a Mind Flayer behind it that you will not be able to go through yet. Follow the walkway on the right side of the landing all the way to the end of the hall. There will be an open cell on the left with two Iron Maidens. In the Iron Maiden on the left is the Assassin’s set; Assassin’s Mask, Black Leather Armor, Black Gloves, and Black Boots. Go through the broken wall in the back on the cell. There will a Mind Flayer passing in front of you. Go through the doorway and take out the Mind Flayer. On the right side of the hallway is the Prison of Hope, 4F Key and the Prison of Hope, 4F Cell Key. Go back down the hallway and go through the broken cell. 

Head back to the landing with the locked gate that you passed earlier. Before going through the gate, turn left and open the first cell that you come across. In this cell is a Secret Dagger and Claws. Now head back to the locked gate and open it. 

Second Gate

Take out the Mind Flayer in this area. Head right and open the door on your right and head through to the next landing. There is a hallway in front of you with an item on the far end, and a hallway to the left of you with a Mind Flayer. Head down the hallway directly in front of you. The first cell that you come across will have a merchant. Talk to her and buy items as necessary. 

NPC: Former Noble’s Wife in Prison of Hope area 3-1


Head back towards the landing and start going down the far hallway. In the second cell will be four Iron Maidens with the following items:

  • Ring of Magical Sharpness

  • Unknown Hero’s Soul

  • Unknown Hero’s Soul

  • Enemy Dregling that drop Royal Lotus

 Exit this cell and head all the way to the end of the hall. Open this gate and go down the stairs. 

Third Gate

At the bottom of the stairs, there is a door to the left. Go through this door. There is an archway in front of you and another flight of stairs down. Through the archway in front of you is two empty cells, and an NPC that you cannot rescue yet. For now, take the flight of stairs down. At the bottom of the stairs will be another gate.

Fourth Gate

Through this gate will be a gate in front of you, and two gates to your right. You do not have the key to open the gates to your right yet. In the middle of the hall, in between the two locked gates is the Prison of Hope, 1F Key and Prison of Hope, 1F Cell Key. Grab that key and head through the gate in front of you and head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs will be another Fog Wall.

Prison of Hope, 1F Key gate


Fifth Gate and 2nd Fog Wall

After going through the Fog Wall, walk through the door on your right. In the door frame is a Heavy Crossbow and Bolts. There will be a Mind Flayer in the hallway in front of you. The last cell on your left in this hallway has an NPC that you can talk to through the cell doors. You cannot open Rydell’s cell yet, so you will need to come back later. On the far-right side of the landing are caskets that you can break. 

Turn around and head back to the Fifth Gate. On the other side of the Fifth gate is stairs leading up and stairs leading down. Take the stairs leading down and open the gate at the bottom of the stairs.

Sixth Gate

There is a large enemy (“Prisoner Horde”) to the right of you that has ranged attacks as well and a quick melee attack. Take out this enemy. To the left of this enemy is multiple Dreglings in pots. You can kill the Dreglings in the pots for a few extra souls, but they will not break out and hurt you. 

Location of the deadly Prisoner Horde enemy in Tower of Latria (3-1)


If you are facing the Dreglings in the pots, turn left and head down the corridor from here. At the very end of the corridor, break the caskets and turn left onto the landing. There will be a Dregling that runs at you. Dispatch him and pick up:

  • Silver Bracelet (female character only; boosts souls received by 10%)

  • Fluted Helmet

  • Fluted Gauntlets

  • Fluted Armor

  • Fluted Leggings

  • Kite Shield

Location of the Silver Bracelets in Prison of Hope 3-1


Head back to the area with the Dreglings in pots. Go down this corridor. There will be a gate to your right, a door in front of you, and a walkway to your left. The left walkway has a crystal lizard that will drop Shards of Moonlightstone. Be careful, at the very end of this walkway is an instant death drop. 

Turn around and head back to the area with the door and the gate. You will be able to open the gate, but you will not be able to proceed forward after it. For now, walk around the landing to the walkway opposite of the crystal lizard. Follow this walkway all the way down to the far landing. On the back-right side of this landing is a stack of caskets. Break the caskets to reveal a doorway. 

Hidden doorway behind the coffins in Prison of Hope area 3-1


Through the door, head right and go down a small set of stairs. Pick up a Shard of Moonlightstone. Turn around and go up the stairs and walk past the tables and turn right. At the end of this hallway is an Estoc. Now head back through the secret door and go back to the area with the door and the gate. Go through the doorway and a short cutscene will start.

From the doorway, walk left and break some crates to reveal a gap in the railing. Gently drop down onto this ledge and walk all the way down to the end of the ledge to grab the Mercury Rapier +1. Head back towards the doorway that we came out of, and head down the path to your left towards a series of bodies and items. As you get towards the items in front of you, you will notice a volley of arrows that comes down the path. Very carefully, grab the item directly in front you. This will give you Prison of Hope, Warden’s Key. For now, turn around and head all the way back to the Fourth Gate, the same area you picked up the 1F Key in between the two locked gates.

Death Machine near the Warden’s Key location in Prison of Hope, area 3-1


Open these two gates with the Warden’s Key. You can go through either gate, as they lead to the same place. At the end of both hallways is a Mind Flayer. After taking out the Mind Flayer, go through the archways and open a large gate in front of you. Go through the large gate and take the stairs down again. As before, the left and the right paths will meet in the middle, so it does not matter which set of stairs you take. 

At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and go into the tower in front of you. To the left is a Fog Wall and to the right is a set of stairs leading up. For now, take the stairs leading up. At the top of the stairs, follow this path all the way to a small door. Open the door and continue following the path. At the very end of this path is a Silver Catalyst. Once you grab that, turn around and go all the down to the Fog Wall.

3rd Fog Wall

When you come out of the Fog Wall, you will see another tower in front of you, and the large Death Machine to your right. Walk up to the Death Machine and pull the lever to turn off the Death Machine. You can now get all of the items on the bridge in front of the Death Machine. The items on this bridge are:

  • Unknown Hero’s Souls

  • Clever Rat Ring

  • Stone of Ephemeral Eyes

Head back to the back side of the Death Machine and go into the tower and walk up the stairs. 

Turn right at the top of the stairs and follow this path all the way to its end. There is an NPC at the end of this path. Behind the NPC is the Prison of Hope - Special Key. Kill this NPC before you leave, as he will revive the boss during the battle. Turn around and head back towards the tower. Before reaching the tower, on your right side will be a broken section of railing. Drop down through this section to pick up (2) Widow’s Lotus. When you drop down to the bottom of the stairs, a phantom will appear. Kill this phantom to get a Black Eye Stone, (3) Chunk of Moonlightstone, and (2) Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. 

Take out this magician dregling in the Prison of Hope, area 3-1. If you do not, he will constantly revive the Fool’s Idol boss.


Player Note: With the Special Key you will be able to open the rest of the doors in the Tower of Latria including Rydell’s Cell and Sage Freke. 

At the top of the stairs is the Fog Wall leading to the next boss.

Now, prepare for the boss battle with Fool’s Idol!


Smithing Grounds (2-1)


Island's Edge (4 - 1)