
Fool’s Idol

Boss Guide

Fool’s Idol is a boss in the 3-1 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Doll Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Magic damage

  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (immune)


  • Ranged attacks

  • Fire damage


There are two main mechanics that you need to know for this fight:

(1) Circular stun runes will be on the ground that you will only be able to see for a few seconds. If you step on these runes, you will be stunned and susceptible to her magic attacks. Be careful where you step and try to keep note of where they are. You can stick to the outer edges of the boss arena and avoid most of the stun runes. The Dreglings will also trigger the runes, which can help you avoid getting stunned.

(2) Fool’s Idol will teleport frequently throughout the fight and summon false clones of herself. You need to focus your damage on the real Fool’s Idol. You can determine which is the real one through a few methods.

Determining the Real Fool’s Idol

  1. The real Fool’s Idol fires the large Soul Ray spell at you, as opposed to the smaller Soul Bolt missiles used by the clones.

  2. If you lock onto the real Fool’s Idol, you will not see a target health bar. Conversely, the clones all show a target health bar.

  3. The Dreglings (if you left some up) will face the direction of the real Fool’s Idol.

Easy Strategy

Using a bow, such as the Compound Longbow, stand behind the pillar closest to the fog wall. Peak out and snipe her once and then hide behind the pillar. If you do this correctly, she will never summon clones and you will only need to contest with her Soul Ray spell. Simply rinse and repeat.

Standard Strategy

Eliminate a few of the Dreglings to create more space for yourself (but keep a few of them up). Stick to the edge of the boss arena as much as possible. Use the pillars as cover from the clone and Fool’s Idol magic attacks. Safely close the gap (avoiding stun runes as much as possible) and dish out as much damage to her before she teleports. Keep up your awareness of the true Fool’s Idol location and the stun runes, consistently using the pillars for cover. You will eventually beat her if you maintain locational awareness of Fool’s Idol and the stun runes.


No Hit / Flawless Strategy

The no hit or hitless strategy for the Fool’s Idol boss is one of preparation (not skill). Start the fight in “Hyper Mode,” which you do by equipping the Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade and having less than 30% health. Hyper Mode is engaged by dropping your health below 30%, typically done by equipping the Magic Sword Makoto (which drops your health). Hyper Mode gives you an incredible 140% increase in damage.

Once Hyper Mode is active, you run into the boss room on the right side. Wait for a safe opening on Fool’s Idol, and attack her until she is finished within a single cycle. Different weapons are possible for this, but it is typically accomplished using a high magic build combined with the Crescent Falchion.

Credits: FaraazKhan, Miltymilt




King Allant