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 The King’s Tower (1-4)



From the King’s Tower Archstone (1–4), walk forward through the gate in front of you. There will be two archers on a dead dragon, and an archer to the left. It is recommended to use magic or ranged attacks to take out the archers on the dragon. Once all three archers are defeated, process cautiously to the back of the room. Three Red Phantoms will appear. One Knight, One Archer, and One Swordsman.

The Swordsman will be the first to chase after you. Bait him backwards. Once he is defeated, he will drop the Penetration Sword. Either bait the Knight backwards or head straight to the Archer. The Archer is easiest to take out with aggressive melee attacks. She will drop the White Bow.

The Knight is easiest to defeat by baiting attacks and backstabbing. He will drop a Tower Shield. Once all the Red Phantoms are defeated, take the path to the right of the tower. You will have to weave between some barriers and then turn left into a tower house. There will be a Red Eyed Knight on the stairs just to your right.

Go up the stairs. After a flight of stairs there will be a platform with a few archers to your left. Drop down and take out the archers. Now continue back up the stairs. There will be a Red Eyed Knight in front of you. As soon as you start fighting the Red Eyed Knight, an assassin will drop down behind you. Run back up the stairs past the assassin and take her out first. Then dispatch the Red Eyed Knight. When you go through the door at the top of the stairs a cutscene will trigger.

There are now two Fat Officials in front of you and the optional Blue Dragon boss. Walk a little bit down the bridge, and then run back to the doorway. The dragon will breathe fire and hurt one of the Fat Officials. Repeat this a few times to kill one of the Fat Officials. Bait out one more dragon attack, and as soon as the attack finishes, sprint pat the dragon and the second Fat Official. This will take you to a small staircase with a crystal lizard. The crystal lizard will drop a Pure Sharpstone.

You will sprint through a door and up a small staircase that will lead you to the landing the dragon is sitting on. Walk towards the dragon and it will fly away. Follow this path to a large staircase. When you round the corner to the staircase, the dragon will fly above the gate. Before going up the stairs, turn left and head downstairs. There will be a Knight Sword and a Knight Shield. Turn around and head up the stairs. There are a few bodies with items on a landing. If you stand just below this landing you will be safe.

Optional: If you want to defeat the Blue Dragon optional boss, check out our boss guide.

Unequip all armor and weapons. The lower your equipment load, the better your stamina will be. This is especially important when sprinting up the stairs past the Blue Dragon. In the building you will see Ostrava sitting on the stairs. Talk to him and he will give you the Boletarian Mausoleum Key.

Optional Path

You can head back to 1-1 and backtrack to the Boletarian Mausoleum. When you approach the door, the Red Eyed Knight will be on guard. Defeat the Red Eyed Knight and two phantom Red Eyed Knights will spawn. When you defeat these enemies, you can open the door to the Mausoleum. In the Mausoleum will be an NPC you can talk to. Fight this NPC. He has a large health pool, and deals large amounts of damage, so try sticking to magic and ranged attacks. Once he takes enough damage, he will tell you to get the sword. Go up to the base of the statue and pull out the powerful Demonbrandt sword.

After talking to Ostrava, go up the stairs and across the bridge in front of you. A Red Phantom will spawn at the end of the bridge. This phantom will drop the Rune Sword and the Rune Shield. Once the red phantom is dead, cross the bridge into the elevator. Pull the lever. At the top of the elevator is a Fog Wall.

Prepare for the boss fight against the Old King Allant (False King Allant).


Rotting Haven (5-3)