
Blue Dragon Boss Guide

Blue Dragon is an optional boss in the 1-4 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Large Flame Scale Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Fire damage

  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (resistant)


  • Magic damage

Easy Strategy

Equip your best bow and head up the staircase that Blue Dragon overlooks in 1-4. At the top of the stairs Blue Dragon will continue to breathe fire (even though you are not in range). You can lock onto his head and begin shooting arrows. It will take some time. You can speed up the fight by setting up “Hyper Mode” (see below).

Hyper Mode: requires equipping the Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade. Once equipped, Hyper Mode is engaged by dropping your health below 30%, typically done equipping the Magic Sword Makoto (which drops your health). Doing this, you gain an incredible 140% increase in damage.


No Hit / Flawless Strategy

Blue Dragon is an optional boss not typically done on a no hit run. However, the “Easy Strategy” above is simple to execute without taking any damage from the Blue Dragon boss.


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