
Old King Allant

Boss Guide

Old King Allant is a boss in the 1-4 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: False King’s Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Magic damage

  • Bleed/Poison (resistant)

  • Plague (Immune)


  • None

Easy Strategy

Old King Allant can be made easier by using a ranged build. Use a well upgraded Compound Long Bow and keep the boss at long range as much as possible. He can only do three things at range:

  1. Teleport forward — dodge through it and get back to long range

  2. Wind attack — dodge left or right

  3. Downward sword charge up - quickly attack him to cancel the channeling

Standard Strategy

Old King Allant can be difficult without proper positioning. However, if you focus mostly on keeping him at range and only counter attacking when it is safe, you will make quick work of him. Start the fight at long range. He can only do three attacks:

  1. Teleport forward — dodge through it and attack him 1-2 times

  2. Wind attack — dodge left or right

  3. Downward sword charge up - quickly attack him to cancel the channeling (or block the explosion)

After each time he closes the gap on you, finish your counter attack and then get back to long range. As long as you do not get greedy, and you control the pace of the fight, you will get False King Allant down.

No Hit / Flawless Strategy

Only ever attack the boss when behind him. If you are in front of him, he will occasionally counter attack you and you will have no time to react (appears to be a glitch—does not always happen). Throughout the entire fight, stay at long range from King Allant. This gives you plenty of time to react to his attacks and minimize the number of things that can go wrong on this fight.

He can only do three things at range. He will either (1) teleport forward, (2) do a wind attack, or (3) a downward sword charge up. If he does the teleport, dodge through it and counter attack him twice (from behind). If he does the wind attack, dodge to the right or left. If he does the downward sword charge up, you need to quickly get behind him and attack him (to stop the sword channeling).

As with most no hit strategies in Demon’s Souls, make sure you have setup “Hyper Mode” (see below) to maximize your damage and limit the duration of the fight. The longer a fight goes on, the greater chance of something going wrong.

Hyper Mode: Requires equipping the Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade. Once equipped, Hyper Mode is engaged by dropping your health below 30%, typically done equipping the Magic Sword Makoto (which drops your health). Doing this, you gain an incredible 140% increase in damage.


Old Hero


Old Monk