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The Ritual Path (4-2)


From the Ritual Path (4-2), walk forward and take the stairs down. Head through the doorway that is in between the staircases. Part of the way down this hallway is the merchant, Graverobber Bilge. Talk to Bilge and buy items, as necessary. Continue down this hallway and step on a pressure plate that will open the door in front of you. This will trigger a short cutscene. The cutscene shows a Reaper summoning Shadowlurker enemies.

Reaper and Shadowlurker minions in The Ritual Path, Area 4-2


The Ritual Path (4-2) is a perfect early game soul farming spot!


Farming Souls: This is a perfect area to farm souls in the early game of Demon’s Souls.

From the doorway, take the left path forward. At the end of the path, while avoiding the shadow enemy, turn right and head downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, go through the door on the right. Walk forward slightly and take the stairs up to the Reaper who is standing in front of a coffin. Kill the reaper, and all of the shadow creatures will die. Go around to the backside of the coffin and step on a pressure plate that will open a door on the far side of this room.

Facing the door that just opened, walk down the right staircase, and make a sharp right to go into a room with Patches. Talk to Patches who will tell you to investigate the hole in front of him. If you walk up to the hole, he will push you in. In front of you is an NPC, and behind you is a Red Phantom. Talk to the NPC briefly, and then fight the Red Phantom. The phantom will drop (3) Chunk of Darkmoonstone and a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. Head through the door that the red phantom was standing in front of and walk back upstairs.

At the top of the stairs, stand on the platform that opens the door to Patches. Talk to Patches and he will give you a Ring of Gash Resistance. Make your way out of this room and out of the door we opened previously. You will head back out into a cliff face. Follow the path right. There will be a few skeletons here to take out, but also be aware of the Mantises who will shoot arrows at you. Continue following the path right and go through the Fog Wall.

Fog Wall

From the Fog Wall, follow this path through a small door. Continue along the pathway, turning left when forced to do so. There will be a shadow standing in the way. You will need to kill the shadow since the path is not wide enough to run past it. Be careful about getting pushed off the ledge here. Once you kill the shadow, continue down the path. There will be another shadow at the bottom of this path that you will be able to run past. Pick up dagger in the middle of the room.

Head towards the wall and turn right to go into a tunnel. Again, there will be a shadow here that you will need to kill. Follow this tunnel downstairs and go through the 2nd Fog Wall.

2nd Fog Wall

Through the 2nd Fog Wall, follow path right and down. There is a small door that will lead you into a cave. Continue going straight, and right when forced to do so. At the end of this hall will be a shadow directly in front of you. Do not try to run past this shadow as there is a Reaper hiding behind the corner to your left. You can try to take out both enemies here or kite the enemies down the hallway to eliminate them one at a time. Note: If you decide to kite the enemies, try using ranged attacks. Once the Shadowlurker and the Reaper are dealt with go down the stairs on the left and walk down this hallway.

This hallway will lead to a cavern with white floating orbs and white slugs. Follow the pathway straight until you come across a coffin that has 2 Sticky White Stuff. Take the pathway left from the coffin and follow this until you find a doorway with bodies in front of it.

Player Note: The floating white orbs will explode if you get within a certain range of them. The white slugs also have an explosion attack. Try to avoid getting surrounded by the slugs as much as possible.

Before going through doorway, follow the path right. When you come to the end of the path, drop down on your right, and head through a door just to your left. There will be a small alcove with slugs. Dispatch all the slugs. On the island that is on the right side of the alcove is a body that has Ronin’s Ring and Hiltless. Go forward through the alcove and continue forward until you find a ramp back up to the raised passageway. Back track to the door with the bodies in front of it.

Go through the door and follow the hallway to the boss battle with Old Hero!


Underground Temple (2-3)


Upper Latria (3-2)