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 Upper Latria (3-2)



From the Fool’s Idol Archstone (3 - 2), walk forward and take a small staircase down. This path will take you over some bridges and into a large tower.

Note: There will be a lot of gargoyles along this path. It’s recommended to take out the Gargoyles with ranged attacks. If you do not have ranged attacks, patiently wait for the gargoyles to land before fighting them. 

At the end of this path, go into the tower in front of you and turn right. Follow this curved path and go through a door on your right. Once you go through the door, there is a large grouping of pots that you can break to reveal a staircase downwards. Follow this staircase down. At the bottom of the stairs is a door on your right and a path on your left. The door on your right will be blocked, so for now go into the path on your left. At the end of the path is a few gargoyles guarding 2 Chunk of Moonlightstone. Once you grab the Moonlightstone, turn around and head all the way back up to the tower. 

Follow this curved path, passing the entryway door and follow the stairs up. Once you reach the top of the stairs, continue forward until you see a bridge on your left. Cross this bridge. Go up a small flight of stairs and then turn right. There will be a small ledge that you can cross to a platform. On the far side of this platform is the Flamberge. Walk back to the ledge that you dropped down and continue along this bridge. At the end of the bridge is a Fog Wall.

1st Fog Wall

From the Fog Wall, turn right and follow the path up the stairs. The stairs will take you to a small elevator to ride up. Once at the top of the elevator, continue following the stairs until you come across a large statue surrounded by four Dreglings. Kill the Dreglings and a small cut scene will start. After the cutscene, find a bridge that is to the left of the stairs. Cross this bridge to a small, round landing. There will be two open cages on this landing. Walk into either cage and ride it down.

Alternative Path

Instead of going into the cage, there is a small staircase on the right of this landing. Follow this staircase down and you will be able to drop onto a platform with shining stone. On the left-hand side of this platform, in a cage is the NPC Yurt, the Silent Chief. Talk to Yurt and let him out of the cage. Yurt will say that he will help you kill demon’s, however, if left alive Yurt will go to the Nexus and start killing the NPCs you have worked so hard to save. Instead of letting Yurt live, kill him on this platform.

Note: If Yurt falls off the ledge, quit out of the game and go back into it. His items will spawn in front of his cage. Yurt drops the following:

  • Gloom Helmet

  • Gloom Armor

  • Gloom Gauntlets

  • Gloom Leggings

If you choose this path, you can hop into the cage Yurt was in and ride it down to the next section.

The cages will drop you off in a swamp-like area. Directly behind you is a ramp leading to a raised wooden walkway. Walk up this ramp to the walkway and turn left. Walk all the way until the walkway turns, but instead of following the turn, drop off the ledge and go forward. There is a red tentacle sticking out of the ground, on the other side of this tentacle is a Fragrant Ring. Turn around and head back to where the cages dropped you off and go back up the walkway. 

When you’re back on the walkway, turn right and follow the path. About halfway down the path, turn left and walk all the way to the end. There will be 4 Augite of Guidance. From the Augite of Guidance pickup, turn left. In front of you will be a dirt path, and to your left the wooden walkway will continue. Follow the wooden walkway all the way to the end, turn left. Walk until you come to a T in the path. Turn left and then turn right. Walk all the way down to the end here. On your left, there will be two Centipede Man’s guarding the Ring of Disease Resistance. Pick up this ring and back track to the dirt path you found earlier.

Once you are on the dirt path, face the wall. Follow the dirt path left until you come across another wooden walkway. Halfway down the walkway, turn right and then follow this path to another dirt path. There will be a few Centipede Man’s to kill. On the far side of this dirt path is another Fog Wall.

2nd Fog Wall

From the Fog Wall, turn left and follow this dirt path up and around. This is a very long, direct path to follow.  There will be a Red Phantom Mind Flayer on these stairs. This Mind Flayer has much more health and deals more damage than the Mind Flayers in 3-1, so be careful around them. At the top of the stairs, turn right and walk all the way to the end of this large landing. 

On your right will be a small bridge to cross over. On the other side of this bridge is another tower. Turn left, or right, and go around to the back of the tower to take the elevator up. At the top of the elevator, follow the stairs, to find another grouping of four Dreglings. Kill these Dreglings to get another cutscene. 

After the cutscene, walk across the bridge. The end of this bridge will drop off and walk all the way forward to the Archstone. From the Archstone, we will take the same path at the beginning of the level. Cross the bridge until you get to the large tower. Turn left and head up the stairs. Instead of taking the bridge to your left at the landing, continue forward to head up another flight of stairs.

Caution: There will be another Red Phantom Mind Flayer on these stairs. At the top of the stairs is a doorway on your left. On the other side of this doorway is a Fog Wall.

Prepare for the boss battle with Maneater!


The Ritual Path (4-2)


Inner Ward (1-3)