
Dragon God

Boss Guide

Dragon God is a boss in the 2-3 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Dragon Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (immune)

  • Fire damage


  • None

Standard Strategy

The Dragon God boss fight is a gimmick fight. As you enter the boss arena, you will see Dragon God directly ahead. To defeat him, you need to get through the walls on the left and right side. You can bait Dragon God to destroying the walls for you. Large weapons (held in both hands) or large shields can be used to break through the walls in a single hit (which is ideal). The easiest approach is to destroy the walls yourself. Dragon God’s eyes will glow red right before he attacks. Use that to your advantage, and make sure you have solid camera control to avoid taking damage.


No Hit / Flawless Strategy

Run into the Dragon God boss arena and wait behind the inner corridor pillar. Run right and then bait Dragon God into attacking the first barrier. Chase back to the pillar you waited at first. Then go back in and bait another attack from Dragon God. After the second barrier is broken, run over and use the first ballista.

Next run over to the left side to break through the both barriers. You need your weapon to destroy the barriers in two hits (max). Most no hit runners use the Battle Axe to accomplish this—the standard no hit weapon Crescent Falchion takes three hits. Repeat this step to take out both barriers. After this, wait behind the nearby pillar until Dragon God begins to idle. Then you can safely run to and use the second ballista.

Last step is to run down the path to Dragon God. Wait for his breath attack (it lasts a long time) to fully animate. After that, run in and attack Dragon God to finish the encounter.


Dirty Colossus

