

Boss Guide

Flamelurker is a boss in the 2-2 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Red Hot Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Fire damage (heavily resistant)

  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (resistant)


  • Magic damage (very weak)

Easy Strategy

Flamelurker’s magic defense is very low. Soul Arrow or Soul Ray, paired with a high magic build, do wonders on Flamelurker. While he has a series of aggressive melee attacks, you can mostly dodge backwards from them and then safely counter attack with your spells. You can cast while walking, which gives you additional mobility and spacing from Flamelurker. You want to keep him at medium range as much as possible, giving you time to counter attack.

Another easy strategy is to use the Thief’s Ring to avoid detection. You can sneak up on the boss, using the pillars for cover. Attack him 2-3 times and then run away to lose aggro on Flamelurker. Then you can sneak back up on him, and keep doing this until he is defeated. You can also use Poison Cloud with this stealth strategy, slowly dropping his health over the course of your stealth attack plan.


Standard Strategy

Flamelurker is a very aggressive boss and will likely provide a challenge for you. As his health drops, he becomes more aggressive. In general, you want to dodge backwards from him to avoid getting roll caught in his attacks. You can also block his attacks with the aid of a high fire resistance shield. He has a multitude of attacks that will take some time to learn/anticipate, but the key is to stay in front of him and only counter attack after he has attacked you first.

Equipment preparation can ease the difficulty of Flamelurker. Since he is weak to magic damage, using a weapon like the Crescent Falchion is advised. The shorter the fight, the better your chances of success. Also, if you choose to block his attacks (vs. rolling away) use a high fire resistance loadout. The Ring of Flame Resistance and Purple Flame shield are both effective for this fight. Regardless of your chosen setup, be patient and only attack him after he has queued an attack first.

No Hit / Flawless Strategy

Note: This strategy does not work in the PS5 version. Begin the Flamelurker fight with “Hyper Mode” (see below) and the Thief’s Ring equipped. Walk counterclockwise from the entrance and sneak behind Flamelurker on the stairs. Use a ranged attack (such as a Throwing Knife) to aggro him and get him stuck on the rocks. Once he is stuck, move back to get him into position. Bait an attack from Flamelurker. You want to punish his explosion attack. Roll into the explosion, attack him once, and roll back out. When he does a jump back attack, you need to hug the wall to reset him in the “stuck” position behind the rocks. Rinse and repeat.

Hyper Mode requires equipping the Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade. Once equipped, hyper Mode is engaged by dropping your health below 30%, typically done equipping the Magic Sword Makoto (which drops your health). Doing this, you gain an incredible 140% increase in damage.


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