

Boss Guide

Leechmonger is a boss in the 5-1 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Wriggling Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Blunt damage

  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (immune)


  • Fire damage (very susceptible)

  • Magic Damage

Easy Strategy

The Leechmonger boss is INCREDIBLY weak to fire damage. Use your fire spells to make quick work of this boss (Firestorm is very effective but not required). Run down the circular walkway so you are within spell range of the boss. If you are within fairly close range of Leechmonger, he will mostly throw leeches at you. Try to dodge through them if you can, otherwise come stocked up on healing grass. It should not take you very long to defeat him using fire spells.

Standard Strategy

Bring Turpentine to buff your melee weapon with fire damage (via Turpentine). When you enter the boss arena, follow the path forward dropping down two levels (staying on the left side of the arena). There will be a narrow corridor on the left (leading to a fog door) that you can use to heal up when needed. You can also use this area to damage Leechmonger with ranged attacks, items, or spells.

NOTE: The water surrounding the boss will slowly drain your health. You will either need to quickly defeat the boss or occasionally heal.

Stay in close as much as possible throughout the duration of the fight, dodging his simple attack patterns and punishing him after a successful dodge/block. His attacks while in melee range include a horizontal slash and a tentacle thrash attack that he spams several times per cycle. He will also throw a leech ball at you, which covers you in leeches and will drain your health.

If you leave him unattended for too long, he will begin to regenerate. Attack him to stop the regeneration. For most players, this will be a simple fight.

Cheese Strategy

An easy way to cheese Leechmonger is to use “Hyper Mode” (Clever Rat’s Ring and Morion Blade) and the Lava Bow. You simply enter the fog door and snipe Leechmonger until he is defeated.


King Allant

