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Depraved Chasm (5-1) Walkthrough

The Valley of Defilement, area 5-1


From the Depraved Chasm (5-1) Archstone, follow the ramp on your left upwards. Once you reach the top of the ramp, on your left there will be a leftmost path and a rightmost path. Follow the rightmost path forward.

When you reach the end of the right path, break the barrier in front of you and roll forward. Continue to take the path on your right. Note: Watch for falling stones in this area. They may knock you off the path. Continue forward until you see a ladder at the end of the path and take the ladder down.

At the bottom of the ladder, turn around walk with your back to the ladder. Walk slightly left to the wall in front of you, and carefully drop down on your left. There are a few souls to pick up here. In the middle of this platform will be a hole you can drop down into. Walk forward to the end of the path and drop down once more. There will be two enemies on this landing. To your left is a Ring of Magical Defilement. Drop down onto the landing in front of you. There will be a hole in the ground to your left with a ladder that you can take down. In this hallway there are a few enemies and a Fog Wall. Defeat the enemies and go through the Fog Wall.

Fog Wall

From the Fog Wall walk forward and follow the ramps downward. At the bottom of the ramp, to your left, is a place to drop down. After dropping down, to your left, is a pile of brush. Hidden in the brush is a Shard of Faintstone. Turn back around and walk across the ladder in front of you. To your right is a room with poison bugs. Note: Take out the bugs with ranged attacks. If you hit them with a melee attack, the large red sac will burst, and it will poison you. On the far-right end of the room, take the ramps down. At the bottom of the ramp is the Filthy Woman merchant. Talk to her and buy items, as necessary. The Filthy Woman sells a lot of antidotes which is useful in this area.

On the right side of the room is another ramp to take downwards. At the bottom of the ramp is a large grouping of rats. Note: Take out the rats with firebombs, or area of effect spells like Fireball. Turn right and walk along this path, being careful of falling boulders again. Go into the house in front of you. Watch out for enemies hiding behind the walls of the doorway.

Go up the ramp on the far side of this room. There will be more poison bugs at the top of this ramp. Once all the poison bugs are killed, walk across the bridge to your left into the room in front of you. There is another ramp down in the far-right side of this room.

Take this ramp all the way down and prepare for the boss battle with Leechmonger!


Island's Edge (4 - 1)


The Tunnel City (2-2)