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Inner Ward (1-3)


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Player Note: You will not be able to progress through this level / open the door in front of the Tower Knight Archstone until an Archdemon has been defeated. An Archdemon is the final boss (level 3) in a World. 

From the Tower Knight Archstone, walk forward towards the fog wall in front of you. A short cutscene will trigger showing the gates in front of you opening. Go through the gates and forward into a courtyard. There will be a few dogs in the courtyard to be wary of. Once the dogs are taken care of, pick up the items around the fountain, and head up the stairs on your left. Once you get halfway up the stairs, flaming boulders will come down towards you. There will be an alcove on the left to stand safely. Once the boulders have passed, head up the stairs. Another short cutscene will play.

Since the gate in front of you is now closed, turn around and walk back down the stairs. When you reach the midpoint, two soldiers will kick open the gate on the left. Take out these soldiers and walk straight. There will be a staircase to your left and a drop off point in front of you. Go straight and drop down. Pick up the item and drop down again. 

At the end of the short path will be a ladder up. Take this ladder, and then follow the path right. Watch out for the archers along here. There will be a small ledge in front of the body with the Soul on it. You can roll over this small ledge. Head straight, follow the stairs up, and defeat this archer. To your right is a narrow staircase leading up with a slamming boulder at the top. For now, backtrack and follow the walkway along the right. 

There will be an assassin that drops down. Assassins are fast and can deal lots of damage very quickly. After defeating the assassin, go through the doorway and follow this path. It will take you through a few turns, and up some stairs. This will take you to the landing that we dropped down before. 

Now head back to the narrow staircase with the flaming boulder at the top. There is an alcove on the left that you can run into to avoid the boulder, be careful though as there is also an assassin in the alcove. Take out the assassin and continue up the stairs. There will be two alcoves on the right side of the staircase. At the back of the second right alcove, there is a Slave Shield. When you pick up the Slave Shield an assassin will drop behind you.

Keep going up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a landing with a door on the right and a path on the left. Go to the door on the right. There will be a red-eyed soldier and a regular soldier in this room. Take out these two enemies, and then break the furniture in the back of the room. This reveals a doorway. Go through the doorway and follow a few flights of stairs up. At the landing will be the Dregling merchant. Talk to him and buy items as necessary. If you head out the door in front of you, to the right against the wall is the Great Sword. 

Turn around and backtrack all the way to the narrow staircase. Turn right and go up a small flight of stairs to a Fog Wall.

Fog Wall

Through the Fog Wall, turn right and follow this corridor. At the end of the corridor is a Fat Official. Take out the Fat Official to pick up Iron Ring of Keys. Kite the Fat Official into the corridor to avoid the three archers that are posted right to the stairs. 

After taking out the Fat Official, head up the stairs in front of you and take out the three archers on this landing. After the archers have been defeated, you will be able to roll into the courtyard on the left side of the landing. Walk back up the stairs and take out the enemies on this landing. There will be a grouping of Knights and Archers to take out. Once these enemies have been taken care of, walk up the staircase to the left. About one-third of the way up, a flaming boulder will be pushed toward you. Quickly run down the stairs or roll off the stairs to avoid the boulder. Take out the soldier at the top, and then follow this path forward.

This path will take you through a twisting series of passageways that ends with a Knight and an Archer. Past those two enemies is a set of stairs down. Follow these stairs down, stopping to take out the archers to your right. At the bottom of the stairs is a Fat Official and a few soldiers to your right. Take out the soldiers to your right first as they will surround you when you are fighting the Fat Official. Once those soldiers are taken care of, you can finally defeat the Fat Official.

Once you defeat the Fat Official, Ostrava will appear on the other side of the gate calling for help. There is a lever on the right side of the gate. Pull that and you can defeat the Red Eyed Knight and the two Soldiers surrounding him. Once those enemies are defeated, talk to Ostrava again and he will give you a Pure Clearstone.

At the top of the stairs head left, towards the large fog wall in the distance. Following this path will lead you up a dangerous set of stairs. There are many Soldiers and Red Eyed Knights here. Carefully take out these enemies. If needed, you can kite the enemies back to take care of the one of one. Magic will be especially useful on these stairs. When you get up to a pile of bodies with crows over it, another short cutscene will start. 

At the end of the cutscene, (3) Red Eyed Knights will begin attacking you. Utilizing the same strats for the enemies before here on the stairs, defeat the red knight. There will be a few archers near the top of the stairs.

Head through the Fog Wall and prepare for boss battle with Penetrator!


Upper Latria (3-2)


Swamp of Sorrow (5-2)