

Boss Guide

Phalanx is a boss in the 1-1 area of Demon’s Souls

Drops: Lead Demon’s Soul

Boss HealthNormal DefenseSlash DefenseBlunt DefensePierce DefenseMagic DefenseFire DefensePoison ResistancePlague ResistanceBleed Resistance


  • Blunt damage

  • Bleed/Plague/Poison (immune)


  • Fire damage

  • Magic Damage (moderately weak)

Easy Strategy

Using firebombs and Turpentine (to buff your melee weapon) make defeating Phalanx significantly easier. If you started as the Magician or Royalty class, you can also use Flame Toss or Soul Arrow, respectively, to individually take out the Hoplite enemies and defeat Phalanx. The splash damage capabilities of firebombs are typically more effective, but are limited in supply (or costly to stock up for this fight at 500 souls each).

Standard Strategy

Phalanx cannot directly attack you. The smaller Hoplite enemies surrounding him are the real threat, employing both long-range spear and melee range attacks. You need to manage the Hoplites by reducing their numbers and keeping them as “clumped” together as much as possible. Hoplites spread all over the boss arena are a nightmare. Use the environment (i.e., pillars) to your advantage.

Even if you do not plan to employ firebombs or spells for this fight, it is best to come in with a few Turpentine. Fire damage speeds up the fight considerably. Begin the fight at the right side pillar (closest to the boss arena entrance). Wait for Phalanx to approach the pillar. Run in when he is close, attack a few times and dodge back out to the safety of the pillar. You can repeat this 1-2 times before needing to reposition. Once ready, head to the rear left pillar (diagonally from your original position). Wait for Phalanx to approach, attack a few times when safe, and then rinse and repeat.

Note that his Hoplites will respawn if you take too long to defeat the boss. This is why it is important to bring Turpentine, speeding up the fight. As much as possible, you want to avoid having too many of the Hoplites split off from the boss. Running (and waiting) at the opposite pillar allows the Hoplites to better group up. This makes it less likely that you will get attacked from a random (usually off screen) Hoplite attack.

Safe pillar

Safe pillar


No Hit / Flawless Strategy

The no hit or hitless strategy for Phalanx is very similar to the standard strategy. The key difference is you have to be very careful when you pop out from the pillar to attack Phalanx and/or the Hoplites. After each time you pop out from the pillar, attack once and then retreat behind the pillar. Then carefully head to the opposite side pillar. This is a difficult fight to learn on a no hit run because of the sheer number of enemies and RNG involved.




Red Dragon